We know what your business needs to succeed

All the leads in the world won't do your business any good if you don't have the system in place to provide superior service to your customers.

Home Service Pup focuses on success for your business.

For some businesses that means growth and more customers. For others it's higher margin on existing business. Other businesses are happy with their volume, but would enjoy more hours for their family every week.

Success is different for every business, and no matter what your goal- we can help you achieve it.

Our Story

A few years ago I found myself coordinating a bathroom remodel, stamped concrete installation, tree removal and a pool installation over the course of a year.

My frustration grew as many companies didn't return calls, follow-up on estimates, or communicate effectively at all. Talking with other homeowners- I knew my experience was the norm for most people.

Even companies that came highly recommended, always left a lot to be desired in customer service.

I knew there were good people running these businesses, who did amazing work. . It wasn't that they wanted to leave their customers hanging, but they only had so many hours in the day.

With a background in marketing- I knew most companies focused on sending more leads to home service businesses. But that is not what many companies needed.

If they could save time, while serving their customers better, then they could provide the level of service their customers desired and have time take more high value jobs.

We promise to deliver the highest level of service to our customers, and in the process enable you to provide the highest level of service to your customers.

We call it Full Circle Customer Service. We know it's corny- but it means our business helps hundreds of home service businesses succeed- and satisfy thousands of customers in the process.

We think that's pretty awesome.

Great story-

But what's with the pup?

It's a little bit of a chicken and egg story with the name.

From my childhood dogs (R.I.P. Rusty and Munch) to my current family dog, Izzy (who was the inspiration for the logo), I've always been a dog guy. As I sat down to brainstorm the name, I'm certain dogs were likely on my mind.

But here is my story- and I'm sticking to it:

Everyone knows a dog is a loyal companion.
But before that- they are puppies. And while they're cute- if they aren't given the proper attention they can cause you a lot of trouble - as my misshapen couch cushions can confirm.

Your home service customers are the same way. You give them enough attention- and they'll treat you well, pay the invoice on time, and refer you to a few of their friends.

If they are ignored- suddenly they're calling you at all hours, demanding extra work that wasn't in the estimate, haggling you down on price. And after bending over backward to keep them happy,

they add a final insult by giving you a poor review on Google.

While I've dealt with the public long enough to know that some people can never be satisfied, I also know that proper communication and expectations upfront can go a long way on making sure everyone is happy.

A text first platform is preferred by customers and much quicker than trading phone calls. And best for you- it's all in writing. If there is a misunderstanding, you can both refer to the message history to sort out any miscommunication.

So that's why I named it Home Service Pup. We want you to develop loyal customer relationships- that's the foundation for any great business. We know communication and customer service is the best way to a for your business to be a success.


Dave- Founder of Home Service Pup

How much business are you losing through missed calls?

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