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Handyman Service Business Success

Growing a Successful Handyman Services Business

May 16, 20233 min read

“The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.” ~ Shiv Singh

Growing a successful handyman business is all about building trust in your local community. To do that, you need to be reliable, do good work, and offer reasonable rates. Your success will come from repeat business and referrals. With many competitors not following these principals, it is easy for businesses that do to grow rapidly.
The opportunity for handyman has never been higher

With baby-boomers aging, many projects they previously tackled themselves they are now looking to hire out for. Often, adult children who live out of town are searching for reputable handymen and women to do work on their parents homes. By building a strong online reputation, with solid communication, you'll set yourself apart from the pack as a reliable, trustworthy business.

Build trust in your handyman business

Here are 5 ways to build a handyman business! 👊

1. Build a strong online presence

Most of your competition is relying on tacking their business cards at local diners or other small-time marketing. You don't need a fancy expensive website, but a Google My Business and website will set you apart from the competition.

As a handyman, you can create a website that showcases your services, rates, and contact information. You can also create social media accounts, such as Facebook and Instagram, to connect with potential customers and promote your services. Make sure to keep your online profiles up to date and engaging to attract more customers.

2. Offer a wide range of services

One of the benefits of being a handyman is the ability to offer a wide range of services. Make sure to list all the services you provide on your website and promotional materials. This will help potential customers understand the full scope of your abilities and increase the likelihood that they will hire you for their needs.

3. Leverage referrals, word of mouth, and reviews

Referrals and word of mouth are powerful marketing tools for any business. Encourage your satisfied customers to refer their friends and family to you. You can also offer incentives, such as discounts or free services, to customers who refer new business to you.

Ask all customers to leave you a review, which will help with online searches, and with newly referred customers trusting your business.

Many adult children live out of the area, and may be calling a handyman to help their elderly parent. They only have your online reputation to go on when trusting you with their family. A strong, trustworthy reputation will make them feel safe letting you in their home.

4. Build relationships with local businesses

Building relationships with other local businesses can help you expand your network and attract more customers. Reach out to local real estate agents, property management companies, and other businesses that may need your services. Offer to provide your services at a discounted rate to establish yourself as a trusted partner.

5. Consider offering maintenance contracts

Offering maintenance contracts can provide a steady stream of income for your business. You can offer regular maintenance services, such as gutter cleaning or lawn care, at a discounted rate for customers who sign up for a yearly contract. This will help you build a reliable customer base and provide predictable revenue.

Need help building your business for success?

Home Service Pup provides an all-in-one customer service solution that can help you stand out from competitors, big and small, by delivering the best service. Our time saving solution makes it quick and easily for customers to contact you, to follow-up on leads, and to provide service before, during and after the sale.

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